The Constitution of the Elkins Pointe History Society Preamble- We, the Members of the Elkins Pointe Historical Society, in hopes of stimulating, promoting and furthering the accumulation of historical knowledge of Georgia’s local history, to promote responsibility and leadership skills among its members, and to assist the Roswell Historical Society to identify and preserve the historical landmarks in Roswell, Georgia, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution for the Elkins Pointe History Society, Roswell,Georgia. Article I- Name The name of the organization shall be the Elkins Pointe History Society. Its motto shall be Non Sibi Sed Aliis (Not for ourselves, but others). Article II- Purpose The purpose of this organization shall be to provide a supplemental historical educational experience in a less formal manner, whilst building and maintaining productive relationships with like minded scholars. Article III- Membership Section 1- The membership of this organization shall be open to all students, parents and faculty of Elkins Pointe Middle School. Section 2- All recognized members assume the mantle of membership with the knowledge…
A. All members are expected to maintain good discipline record. Failure to do so can lead to revocation of membership, along with all attached privileges.
B. All members are expected to remain active members of the organization while attending Elkins Pointe Middle School. Therefore, a minimum of 80% attendance in meetings, fundraisers, and activities is expected to maintain membership in good standing.
B1. It is understood that some absences are to be considered excused. Members, however, should inform the sponsors or president of any said absences. The ability to excuse absences is contingent upon the sponsor’s approval.
B2. Members who have been removed may submit for readmission to the organization at the beginning of the proceeding school year. The sponsors hold the final decision on acceptance of the readmission request. Article IV- Finances The financial matters of this organization shall be handled by the sponsors, in congress with organization’s officers. Dues and fundraising are acceptable forms of fund collection, but only if approved by the general membership. Section 1- Dues will be only collected to cover costs of the members’ t-shirt and activities of the organization. Dues shall be collected by the sponsor. Failure to pay dues by the due date may lead to a loss of privileges. Article V- Officers The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Historian, and Treasurer.
Section 1- President: The duties listed below are the minimum duties of the president. Others may be assigned. The president is to: A. Report to the advisors. B. Oversee the fundraising. C. Assign committee jobs. D. Create an agenda for the upcoming meeting and turn it into the advisor two days prior to the meeting.
Section 2- Vice President: The duties listed below are the minimum duties of the vice president. Others may be assigned. The vice president is to: A. Replace the president at meetings in which the president is not present. In doing so they assume all the presidential responsibilities for that meeting. B. Oversee the media and public relations. All announcements and flyers posted in the school must first be approved by the vice president
Section 3- Treasurer: The duties listed below are the minimum duties of the treasurer. Others may be assigned. The treasure is: A. In control club funds. Any expenses must be presented to the treasurer. B. The head of fundraising.
Section 4- Secretary: The duties listed below are the minimum duties of the secretary. Others may be assigned. The secretary is to: A. Record the minutes at each meeting. B. Make any necessary contacts to club members. C. Keep an accurate and up-to-date record of attendance. D. Keep an accurate and up-to-date record of member activity.
Section 5- Historian: The duties listed below are the minimum duties of the historian. Others may be assigned. The historian is to: A. Keep a scrapbook composed of clippings from the various newspapers, and a collection of the outstanding papers of the society and photographs of the various club activities.
Section 6- Sergeant at Arms: The duties listed below are the minimum duties of the sergeant at arms. Others may be assigned. The sergeant at arms is to: A. Assists the president with meeting agenda. B. Establishes procedures and enforces rules at meetings. Article VI- Ratification The ratification of three/fourths of the organization’s membership shall be deemed sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution. The sponsor shall decide the number required for ratification.
Article VI- Amendments The society, whenever the society’s executive and membership deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this constitution. Any amendments to the constitution must be presented before the general meeting of the society. The membership must present a two-thirds vote to ratify the amendment.
We the students and sponsors of this organization, in sound mind and body, do ratify this Constitution on the tenth day of November in the Year two thousand and ten, and, in witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our Names,
Amendment 1- As soon as possible after its activation in the Fall Semester of the school year, the History Society will undertake a program of service which will be of benefit to the community of Roswell. These projects shall be decided upon only after consultation with, and upon approval of, the executive staff of the Elkins Pointe History Society and the Principal of Elkins Pointe Middle School. A member of the History Society may be dropped from membership if he/she fails to complete the minimum service requirement/ fundraising without a justifiable reason. The officers, upon consultation with the club sponsors, will set the club service requirements prior to the first meeting of each school year. All service requirements must be completed by the deadline set by the club officers. Members will be given written notification at least one month prior to the deadline if they have not met the minimum service requirement for that year. Members may makeup time missed time in service projects by participating in additional community service. Amendment 2- The point system will be constituted to accommodate members with outstanding commitments that conflict with the Society’s planned events. The point system will be flexible based on the number of events planned by the Society and announced at the beginning of each year. This amendment supersedes Amendment 1.