Our philanthropy project is the preservation and restoration of the Old Roswell Cemetery (Mount Caramel Methodist Cemetery) off of Hwy. 9 and Woodstock Road. We work in concert with the Roswell Historical Society and Mrs. Connie Huddleston, RPA of Interpreting Times Past, LLC. This cemetery dates to the 1840s (the earliest grave is that of an infant girl marked 1846). Neglect and vandalism constitutes the two main threats to this cemetery. Overturned tombstones litter this cemetery. The cemetery is still active, however, many family plots no longer have decendants to take care of the plots and have long been neglected. Our members have worked extremely hard at fixing broken headstones, trimming overgrown landscapes, and cleaning monuments throughout the cemetery. It is our goal to bring this cemetery to a condition that is a fitting tribute to the pioneer citizens of Roswell.

Carl Dilcher probes for an unmarked grave in a family plot. Carl was the president of the History Society in the 2010-2011 school year.

Mrs. Connie Huddleston shares her wisdom and knowledge with members of the History Society. Mrs. Huddleston has been instrumental in mentoring our members and spearheading preservation efforts in the Roswell area.

Hailey Hudson, our current History Society president, gives a tombstone a good cleaning.

History Society Cemetery Work Crew

History Society CemeteryWork Crew